July 27, 2024

University of Maryland Students

The Humble Walk:

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Visit the website of The Humble Walk at the University of Maryland. Contact Pastor Ray Ranker, chaplain, by email or at 301-405-8448.

Below is a general weekly Humble Walk Dinnerschedule of events during the fall and spring semesters, which is subject to change (check The Humble Walk website for updated information):

  • Sundays, 5:00-7:00 pm - Dinner and Worship, at Hope
  • Wednesdays, 3:00-5:00 pm - En Camino. Volunteer to mentor a child in our Lutheran Latino Ministry.
  • Thursdays, 3:00-5:30 pm - CARing Kids/CARing Project, at Hope. Volunteer to be a buddy to a child from Langley Park-McCormick Elementary School.

Become an Associate Member of Hopeleadership retreat-1 editedAssociate membership is available to students at the University of Maryland and allows you to remain a member of your home church but still participate fully in the life of Hope. If you are interested in becoming a member or an associate member, speak to Pastor Julie.

If You Bike to ChurchWe have a bike rack available for use. It is located on the right side of the church, when facing the building from Guilford Drive.

A Prayer for Students to UseAlmighty God, you give wisdom and knowledge. Help us to study faithfully and to grow in all that is good. Bless all who teach and all who learn, so that together we may know and follow your ways; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

  • Thursdays, 1:03 pm - Reconnect: A 20-Minute Worship Service, at the Garden Chapel at Memorial Chapel on campus (followed by lunch)

Hope Lutheran Church and Student Center

4201 Guilford Drive

College Park, MD 20740


office.hopecp @ gmail.com


Worship (In-Person and Online)Sunday 9:30 am. Our worship space is on the upper level. Child care is available.

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About Hope

Visit the About Us section to find out more about Hope. Hope is a Reconciling in Christ congregation. Read our full Welcoming Statement.

Our Core Values

We are ...

  • Welcoming
  • Growing Disciples who Lead
  • Loving Our Neighbors, Near and Far


Our weekly newsletter includes all of the information you need about current activities and opportunities to be involved.






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