July 27, 2024


Hope provides various learning and discussion activities for members and friends to grow in their knowledge and faith. Scroll down to find out about Children's Sunday School and current and recent adult education opportunities. Our children's program is currently on pause.

Children's Sunday School

IMG 6598_editedWe want kids to know that God loves them. So we support kids and families growing in faith together. During the school year, we have Sunday school for children ages 2-8. Children hear a Bible story, sing songs, play games, and do crafts.

Families are welcome to stay and participate with their children. All Sunday School teachers have passed background checks.

If you would like to learn more, or if you have older children who also want to be involved, contact Pastor Julie.

For Adults

IMG 3609 editedWe often hold adult education forums after worship, as either a series or a stand-alone discussion. Check our home page or newsletter for information about adult forums, Bible study series, Scripture Mini-Retreats, and other discussion groups and activities.

Hope Lutheran Church and Student Center

4201 Guilford Drive

College Park, MD 20740


office.hopecp @ gmail.com


Worship (In-Person and Online)Sunday 9:30 am. Our worship space is on the upper level. Child care is available.

RIC Logo 2020

About Hope

Visit the About Us section to find out more about Hope. Hope is a Reconciling in Christ congregation. Read our full Welcoming Statement.

Our Core Values

We are ...

  • Welcoming
  • Growing Disciples who Lead
  • Loving Our Neighbors, Near and Far


Our weekly newsletter includes all of the information you need about current activities and opportunities to be involved.






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