July 27, 2024

Welcoming Statement

RIC Logo 2020 We are a community of growing disciples of Jesus Christ who love our neighbors, both near and far. We affirm that everyone is created in the image of God and is deserving of God’s love and grace. We embrace as gifts the diversity of our neighborhood and the world, and welcome all who seek community, connection, or a spiritual home.

We recognize that for many people, “church” has not always felt like a welcoming place. We proclaim this statement of welcome especially to all who have known the pain of exclusion or discrimination in the church and society. We celebrate our human family’s diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, and age. We embrace differences in relationship status, physical and mental ability, education, income, worldview, and political affiliation. We support our proclamation of welcome with commitment to the work of racial equity, social and economic justice, and environmental care.

As a congregation with a deep and abiding relationship with the University of Maryland community, we are proud to be a place where life-long learning is celebrated and practiced. We welcome and engage with ideas and questions about God, faith, scripture, justice, love, forgiveness, and grace. We welcome those who believe, those who doubt, and those who want to believe. We work together to find meaning, provide comfort, and heal a divided world.

We are committed to the full inclusion of all people in our worship and ministries. We invite you to journey with us toward a deeper faith, mutual respect, greater love and understanding, and reconciliation through Jesus Christ.

~ Members of Hope Lutheran Church and Student Center – a congregation of the Metropolitan Washington, DC Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

Hope Lutheran Church and Student Center

4201 Guilford Drive

College Park, MD 20740


office.hopecp @ gmail.com


Worship (In-Person and Online)Sunday 9:30 am. Our worship space is on the upper level. Child care is available.

RIC Logo 2020

About Hope

Visit the About Us section to find out more about Hope. Hope is a Reconciling in Christ congregation. Read our full Welcoming Statement.

Our Core Values

We are ...

  • Welcoming
  • Growing Disciples who Lead
  • Loving Our Neighbors, Near and Far


Our weekly newsletter includes all of the information you need about current activities and opportunities to be involved.






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